BusinessesShaiksha2022-05-10T13:01:07+00:00 BACK Businesses Global Dialogue Business Partners ARUP ‘At Arup, sustainable development is central to everything we do. We have ICAEW ICAEW fully supports the SUP series which analyses the latest science to Ivan Cambridge ‘As part of our mission, we are committed to creating living spaces Jacobs ‘Climate change is our generation’s greatest challenge and opportunity. Jacobs is committed Marsh Marsh is excited to be able to offer our climate resilience expertise Mott MacDonald Mott MacDonald is a US$2bn engineering, management and development consultancy focused on National Grid National Grid is honoured to contribute to these essential reports that will WOOD ‘Understanding future climate shocks and multi-hazard impacts has a critical role in WSP “The world’s urban population is expected to double in size by 2050,