Synthesizing the latest IPCC findings in partnership with cities and businesses
across the globe
Building the Scientific Evidence Base to Accelerate Local Climate Action

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) brings out periodic reports based on the latest and most comprehensive scientific assessment of climate change. The initial volume of the Summary for Urban Policymakers (SUP) series was released in November 2018 at COP 23, and distilled the findings from the IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C.
The focus for the SUP initiative is the IPCC AR6 Reports and delivering companion reports to the IPCC’s series of three Working Group Reports. The SUP initiative is a series of three summary reports:
SUP Volume I: What the Latest Physical Science of Climate Change Means for Cities and Urban Areas,
distilled from the IPCC Working Group I report;
SUP Volume II: What the Latest Science on Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability means for Cities and Urban Areas,
distilled from the IPCC Working Group II report;
SUP Volume III: What the Latest Science on Climate Change Mitigation Means For Cities and Urban Areas,
distilled from the IPCC Working Group III report.
SUP reports are authored by the world’s leading climate scientists – a selection of the same individuals who have produced the IPCC reports – who have volunteered to support this effort in their individual capacities, working in consultation with city, local and regional governments; cities and city networks; and businesses in every global region.
The SUP series draws upon regional and global convenings of scientists, city officials, and business representatives, providing a bridge between science, policy and practice. These convenings helped translate relevant and recent climate science to foster urban action, and together they have:
- Reviewed the findings of IPCC AR6 Reports, from 2018 to 2022.
- Identified findings, options and delivery pathways of greatest resonance for urban action.
- Explored avenues for collaborative action to strengthen implementation of sustainable development, climate adaptation and mitigation.
Further SUP derivative products may target specific regions, business sectors, and key issues crucial to address climate change, in support of immediate and longer-term local action.